The Spanish national representation in SLICES-RI is based on two main nodes that integrate the two main research and experimentation facilities: 5TONIC and SN4I.
The 5TONIC facility is an open research and innovation laboratory focusing on 5G technologies founded by IMDEA Networks and with participation of the University Carlos III of Madrid. The objective of 5TONIC is to create a global open environment where members from industry and academia work together in specific research and innovation projects related to 5G technologies with a view to boost technology and business innovative ventures. The laboratory will promote joint project development and entrepreneurial ventures, discussion fora, events and conference sites in an international environment. The 5TONIC laboratory includes a solid baseline of facilities, infrastructure and equipment to support advanced experimentation in the Beyond 5G and 6G virtual network function and wireless systems areas. In other words, 5TONIC will serve to show the capabilities and interoperation of pre-commercial 6G equipment, services and applications, by leading global companies in the 6G arena. Apart from the initial members, 5TONIC welcomes new members to join and gain from the benefits of an advanced research and innovation laboratory, oriented to research, debate, field-testing and demonstration of all technologies and equipment to support 5G communications, services and applications. The main 5TONIC research & innovation laboratory site is located at IMDEA Networks Institute, a research institute on the forefront of technological innovation and with an extensive track record in European Beyond 5G and 6G Research Projects. IMDEA Networks is one of the main leaders at European level in the field of 6G networks.
The SN4I (Smart Networks for Industry) facility, is a 5G-enabled, NFV and SDN aware communication network that supports advanced Industry 4.0 applications deployed between the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao, the RedIRIS Point of Presence in Leioa and the Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (CFAA) in the Technological Park of Bizkaia in Zamudio. The SN4I infrastructure leverages NFV to provide a flexible way to deploy virtual services and SDN to allow the programming of network elements in order to interconnect these virtual services. After having deployed some use cases for NB-IoT and LTE/M it has recently been upgraded to support 5G within a National 5G Pilot and as a result of own investments.This deployment also allows to study the integration of NFV technologies with the Industrial Internet protocols and the coexistence with other networks like TSN (Time Sensitive Networks). Therefore, SN4I will complements advanced manufacturing technologies, with state of the art communication technologies like high bandwidth, low delay, on demand service creation, mission critical communications, SDN based security, etc.
The integration of all these technologies with cutting-edge machine tools and manufacturing processes provides a mixed R+D+I centre in advanced and connected manufacturing technologies that represents state of the art 5G applications for Industry 4.0 and beyond.