SLICES-FR is the French node of SLICES-RI .
SLICES-FR is included on the French national Roadmap since 2016 and aims at providing an open experimental platformfully monitored and programmable at every point of the data continuum from its capture to its storage and processing going through its transmission over heterogeneous wired and wireless network technologies.
This infrastructure enables end-to-end experimentation with heterogeneous hardware (end devices, gateways, edge/fog/cloud servers, network equipments, etc), software and applications at all levels of software layers, enabling reproducible research across programmable networks and systems.
SLICES-FR gathers all the French community in networking, distributed systems and high performance computing, including major universities (Grenoble, Lille, Lorraine, Nantes, Rennes, Sorbonne, Strasbourg, Toulouse), engineering schools – grandes écoles (ENS Lyon, Eurecom, IMT, INSA Lyon), research institutes (CEA, CNRS, Inria) and RENATER (the French national communication network for technology, research and education).
SLICES-FR relies on our expertise acquired with the operation of the Grid5000 and FIT research infrastructures. While its primary initial funding is sourced from programs such as France 2030 (PEPR Cloud and PEPR Networks of the Future), it also benefits from additional sources of funding. For a comprehensive overview, please refer to the SLICES-FR website.